Message Number: YG10 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-02-18 07:01:00 UTC
Subject: ? Post ECE Syndrome?

I know that people who had Infantile Paralysis (polio) during
their youth can present with a "Post-Polio Syndrome" when they are
well into their adult years. Might a "Post-ECE Syndrome" exist?
Several of my ferrets who survived ECE when they were young adults
presented as having many of the signs and symptoms (e.g., diahrrea,
lethargy, anorexia, nausea) associated with ECE when they were 6 1/2
to 7 years of age. None othe the other ferrets developed these signs
and symptoms during this last course of illness.
Has anyone on this list made a similar observation or have
information regarding this?