Message Number: YG1071 | New FHL Archives Search
From: MARY
Date: 2001-03-08 18:29:00 UTC
Subject: [Ferret-Health-list] Stress Related Poops....

I read your post and a couple of thoughts came to mind. I have several here
that are on Pro Plan too. I know the coloring of the poop is from the dye
used on the Pro Plan. Is it possible that the dye is also causing the
runnies? Could the yeast in the stools be coming from the food? I have been
trying to switch them over but I think they are winning. :-)

-----Original Message-----
From: phyllis_marie_0911@y... <phyllis_marie_0911@y...>
To: <>

>She is eating Purina Kitten Chow (her choice, not mine) and has
>gained almost or all of her weight back as well as all of her fur.
>She is eating and drinking very well, plays with enthusiasm with her
>new brothers and sister, dooks and war dances for attention, etc.
>With all this you would think that everything is perfect. Well, the
>problem is her poops - yellow mush, sometimes outlined in liquid,
>with frequent little drops when she is out playing with her new
>brothers and sister (all of whom get along very well with her).
>I did take a poop sample to the vet to be checked and he found
>nothing disconcerting except perhaps high level of yeast