Message Number: YG1314 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-03-15 17:01:00 UTC
Subject: Need an understanding Vet near Delaware

We have Club member who has fallen on hard times,recently.She has a 3
year old female ferret who has been showing signs of adrenal since last
summer.(very swollen vulva,hair loss on tail and now shoulder
blades,etc..)We are taking a collection together and would like to
bypass the Tenn Panel if possible,to save money.Having just put my
Solita thru it (results tomorrow) I can understand why a Vet would want
a definitive diagnosis before treatment,however I have talked to many
Shelter operators whose Vets just go "right in"....Our friend is also
very ill right now so that is why i'm trying to handle this.It is not
easy with her in Delaware and myself in Washington State.Ok,Question,Do
any of you know of any Dr, in that area, who will start Lupron without
the panel?
We need all the help we can get.
Our funds are extremely limited,however loosing her "best friend" may
just mean the end to her...Please help us.
God Bless & Thank you......
(you can contact me privately)
Tara Radford (Frolicking Ferrets Yahoo Club)