Message Number: YG1439 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Debi Christy
Date: 2001-03-19 09:35:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Another High? Glucose question

Thanks for the replies, Docs! I've been harboring a fear that his
glucose will suddenly zoom up again while I'm not home.

I will, however, check his levels on a regular basis for awhile.

I looked back through the records for a more accurate time span:
We had noticed abnormal (stumbling, increased activity, and an
occasional cranky nip at another ferret... very unusual for Pippen)
for about a week before the glucose test with the high reading (urine
test was, quote, "off the scale". We started with 3 units (reduced
10:1 insulin). With daily glucometer checks we reduced that to 2 by
the end of the first week. Glucose was at 196. Three weeks later,
glucose was down to the 100's and stable, & we were checking glucose
every three days. Then dropped to the 45.

This one pretty much stumped us, too. We have a number of insulinoma
ferrets & our "mindset" is sort of geared toward low blood glucose
emergencies, so it was the stumbling, usually an insulinoma symptom,
that got our attention.

Thanks, again,

Debi Christy
Ferrets First Foster Home