Message Number: YG1454 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Shortley, Lisa
Date: 2001-03-19 18:05:00 UTC
Subject: Tennessee Panel verses Cornell

After reading more about the University of Tennessee Panel, I
have yet another question for the vets out here!
My vet sent my ferrets' blood to Cornell to have their
estrogen levels checked, not University of Tennessee...
She said it was meaningless to run the entire Tennessee panel.
Is there a difference between "estrodiol" and "estrogen"?
The estrogen level was what was used to diagnose my 1.5 year
old boy last year for sure - and to check my other two ferrets
more recently. It cost $45 for the estrogen level to be
checked at Cornell verses the $140+ to have the Tennessee
panel done. Not that money is important in this case - but I
really want to understand what's significant between the
Is this not a good diagnostic tool?
Thanks so much!
Lisa Shortley