Message Number: YG1695 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-03-25 00:22:00 UTC
Subject: Sick ferret - need your help!

Dear Dr. Williams,

I have a senior, male, deaf ferret who in the last couple of days has
been acting very odd. When it is time for me to let him out of his cage
to play he doesn't make a move to come out like usual and his breathing
is rapid with his mouth open and seems to have a blank eyed stare. I
have applied honey on his gums assuming this may be a seizure of some
kind. After several minutes have passed he does get up and moves around
but staggers somewhat and there does appear to be some hind leg
weakness. He eats his treats and immediately finds a quiet spot and
falls asleep again. Could you please give me your very welcomed advice,
thank you.
