Message Number: YG1977 | New FHL Archives Search
From: katharine
Date: 2001-04-01 07:57:00 UTC
Subject: Early Neuters & Adrenal

Just thought I'd mention that my Champ was a late neuter (I think at about 6 months...too lazy to go
look through his records) and was operated on for adrenal disease (right) shortly after his 3rd
birthday. He kind of blew the "early neuter" theory. His sister, Blaze, was also a late spay and
was euthanized with inoperable lymphoma only a couple of months later.

I have a friend with a male from the same breeder. Wookie was born on the same day as Champ and
Blaze, but to a different mother/father. He is now experiencing adrenal problems and, interestingly
enough, also is suffering from renal failure, just like my Champy. Though Wookie had different
parents, Champ and Blaze's mom nursed Wookie and his siblings as their mom died soon after giving
birth (wthin a week or two).

Kind of makes you think.....We both decided to try privately bred ferrets thinking they might
experience fewer health problems.