Message Number: YG2112 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-04-03 09:05:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] vaginitis?

Hi - I don't know what is going on with your ferret for sure - but suspect if
(I think) three courses of antibiotics have not worked, the infection is
local to the vagina and vulva and you might get better results by treating it
topically -- this should be checked with your vet!

The vulva should be kept clean, washing with warm water being careful not to
have any water accidentally forced back into vagina. You can "milk" downward
from the pubic arch to for any infection out. Betadyne is great for clearing
localized irritations or infections - you can use a soaked q-tip to gently
clean the area.
Also, I swear by panalog - used liberally around the vulva. If your girl has
a good deal of fur near the vulva - carefully snip it away. Sometimes the
fur can attract bacteria to the vulva. Last, but not least, she might be
reacting to the liter you use. Try a recycled newspaper litter - like
Yesterday's News.

The antibiotics that should be used for this type of infection are ususally
clavamox and/or Baytril. If you try the above and do not see a favorable
response within a few days - think it is time for a more thorough check-up by
vet including cultures. Best regards, Meg