Message Number: YG273 | New FHL Archives Search
From: steve austin
Date: 2001-02-26 12:59:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Intro and dilemma

To Jaclyn,
My thoughts on Kif are possible prostate enlargement from adrenal
disease, and leading to blockage of the urethra, so he can't pee without
difficulty. This can lead to urine backing up to the kidneys, and kidney
trouble. If kidneys fail, then he becomes uremic, and there is an odor
to the breath. I can say that the odor can be from tooth/gum disease, or
other causes, but at the very least he needs to see a vet to check his
BUN/CR, and anything else that may help.

I guess you think he has adrenal disease already, by the way you posted,
but if he can't urinate it will need immediate attention.

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