Message Number: YG2781 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-04-20 01:39:00 UTC
Subject: Ferret 1 year old with low glucose level

I have a question:
Is it possible for a ferret (male) of only 1 year old to have
The blood test showed he has a glucose level of 4 mmol/l (73 mg/dl)
also he has diarhoe and seems to be fainting.
I haven't seen the ferret, my vet called me to inform about it. To
his opinion the ferret isn't in a very good shape (nor is his fur,
also he is very smal, his brother doesn't look healthy either).
It might be this low glucose level is due to the fact he isn't
getting the right food (or perhaps nearly no food at all).
What I like to know is:
Are there young ferret (age under 2) who do have insulinoma?
Which other illnesses can cause also a low glucose level (heart
disease or?).
Can anyone, perhaps dr Bruce Williams or an other vet give me an
I have a shelter in Holland,
thanks Carmen