Message Number: YG2814 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Stichting All About Ferrets
Date: 2001-04-21 08:18:00 UTC
Subject: no symptoms of insulinoma only comatose

Dear Dr Williams,
since my vet asked me the question about the
possibility of a "1 year old ferret with insulinoma" I
haven't seen the mentioned ferret (my vet lifes about
1 hour drive away from me).
As I understood the ferret isn't in such a good shape,
very small (for Holland), bad fur (his brother looks
the same but hasn't diarrhea).
I informed about the symptoms but as it seems he has
none of them the only thing my vet mentioned was that
he was kind of fainting or in a kind of comatose /
shock. It's not clear to me if that was at home or
while he was at the vet.
I wrote my vet I would like to see the both brothers
since my experiences are that some people are not
alway honest about feeding their ferret or don't know
how to declare what the symptoms are (or how to
recognize them.
Honestly saying I am not quite sure about the result
of the lab test so I recommended to do the test again
some days later, once after he woke up and eat and
once 3-4 hours later.

As I understood well the only causes of the low
glucose level if their are no symptoms at all are:
a bacterial infection or
bad/poor food.

Thanks for so far,
Carmen Stephan

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