Message Number: YG2881 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Ulrike
Date: 2001-04-23 22:47:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Very sick ferrets, vets, please help

Dear Dr Williams, Dr Burgess and Dawn

Thank you for replying to my post about Mason. I forgot to include that the
vets did do a glucose reading and it was normal. Mason also didn't improve
after eating, he was just very weak and lethargic and had trouble walking.
He behaved different from my 2 insulinomic ferrets... He is breathing fast
and acted strange this morning when I fed him, he eventually ate sort of
well but his abdomen was like he was having spasms, I can only descibe it
that it felt like there was a big heart beating in his abdomen so his
abdomen was moving in a strange way in and out quickly. He's pooping and
weeing alright though. The movement in the abdomen stopped after eating.
He seems to have a bit more strength today but only sleeps, he gets up to go
to the toilet and then sleeps and he seems exhausted.

I did try the urine strips because Mason was sooo thirsty and it seemed no
matter how much he drank, he was still so thirsty so that made me think of
diabetes even though I know it's rare but I thought I test anyway.

My vet is sending his x-ray off today so maybe I will know more by

For now Mason is on Synulox in case there is an infection.

I'll post again if there is any change. Thanks again.

From Ulrike
and Jilly, Jack, Bella, Tom, Mason, Baby, Dana, Fox, Reno, Rose, Jasmine,
Barney, Spike, Hobo and Gremlin

Missing Angel, Hope and Igor

West Wales Ferret Welfare
E-mail: ferretlove@n...
Last update 23/02/01

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