Message Number: YG2889 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Erin Simkins
Date: 2001-04-24 00:59:00 UTC
Subject: NEED INFO on CPR for Ferrets?

Please, can anyone help me with this? I told the nice ferret mom
that I would get back with her at the end of the week and I don't
want to go back empty handed! Can ANYONE give me info on CPR for
ferrets? See my original message below...


--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Erin Simkins" <erin.simkins@e...>
> Hello everyone!
> I have a question for vets and anyone else who can help. A
concerned ferret mom wrote me a letter asking if there are "CPR
procedures for Ferrets." She lost a little one recently whom she
feels she might have been able to save if she knew the correct
method. She knows CPR for humans already and has reviewed the
methods for dogs and cats. I can't remember seeing any literature
out there about Ferret CPR and I think it's a very valid question.
> Can someone here provide me with a site link to read about ferret
CPR or can one of the many talented vets or owners on here run
through the correct procedure? I think it would be beneficial to ALL
of us, even if just a review for some... And of course, I will pass
the information on to her with credit given to each of you who
> respond. :)
> Thank you very much!
> Sincerely,
> Erin Simkins