Message Number: YG3208 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-05-03 14:11:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Glucose levels after sitting

Blood glucose never goes up with time, only down. If the serum is
well separated, it should be fairly stable. If not, it could have
started out even higher. If over 300 suspect diabetes, low 200's
likely suggests stress. Lethargy suggests other disease also, but be
a bit suspicious of a "viral" diagnosis, as viruses are often a
generic "fall guy" when the diagnosis is unknown. Unless it's classic
ECE, a recent illness is usually something nonviral. Suspect liver or
GI Disease especially, with secondary bacterial infection in the
digestive tract often causing some of the sign. A blood screen
(complete) should be done; most important tests are glucose, (4 hour
fast if possible) ALT, GGT, Lipase, Globulin, BUN, and CBC. If these
are done let me know the results and I'll help interpret.

Best Wishes,
Mark Burgess DVM

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Debbie F" <Debbie@v...> wrote:
> If a blood sample was taken on a Saturday morning and sent to the
lab but not looked at until Monday, what changes would I see in the
blood glucose levels. My friends insulinoma ferret usually has a
reading of about 63. He has been lethargic lately, the vet thinks it
is viral. His glucose level came back on Monday as 210. Probably
from the virus but how much of that is because of the time factor?
> Debbie F.