Message Number: YG3390 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Michele Abel Focer
Date: 2001-05-09 07:05:00 UTC
Subject: RE: Devil's Club Supreme Survey?

I have a crazy idea. Maybe someone could set up a website
survey on Devil's Club Supreme, so that we ferret owners that
have used it, could tell of our personal experiences with it,
good,or not so good. Maybe contact a few good websites already
existing, and have them add the survey to it?At the very least
we may become more knowledgeable about it, and be able to make
our own educated decision whether to use it or not. Seemingly,
the existing research is just not adequate. I know it's not
very" Scientific" but it's a start! I am pretty computer
illiterate, but I was wondering if anyone else out there is
interested enough to take on the task? I could help a little.
We are all here to help each other learn all that we can about
ferret health! Maybe over time, we can help settle this debate
once and for all!