Jackie DeCarlo
Date: 2001-05-09 15:01:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Devil's Club Supreme Survey?
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Michele Abel Focer"
<ferretlady@m...> wrote:
> I have a crazy idea. Maybe someone could set up a website survey on
Devil's Club Supreme, so that we ferret owners that have used it,
could tell of our personal experiences with it, good,or not so good.
Maybe contact a few good websites already existing, and have them add
the survey to it?At the very least we may become more knowledgeable
about it, and be able to make our own educated decision whether to
use it or not. Seemingly, the existing research is just not adequate.
I know it's not very" Scientific" but it's a start! I am pretty
computer illiterate, but I was wondering if anyone else out there is
interested enough to take on the task? I could help a little. We are
all here to help each other learn all that we can about ferret
health! Maybe over time, we can help settle this debate once and for
Michele, why not go a step further and also include the
essiac...since it is evident that some point in their lives they may
come down with the different cancers we can at least find out how
these two herbal formula's work on our babies.. It would be very
interesting and a lot can be learned from it both bad and
good..People can discuss how much they gave them, how often, how long
the fuzzy lived while taking it and how their quality of life was
while on the the stuff.. I for one will participate on the essiac
anyway...I was getting ready to order the Devil's Club Supreme
because Taz was also diagnosed with insulinoma but she passed away
right before I was ready to place the order... I hope people will get
involved in this because I really believe we can benefit and learn
from other people's experience with it...
Jackie Peanut, Bandit, Buster, Harvey and still missing Taz