Bruce Williams, DVM
Date: 2001-05-14 23:30:00 UTC
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., molly smith <aishathewarrior@y...>
> I want to thank everyone who has thus far answered my
> scream for help! What confuses me about insulinoma is
> that Mael has only one symptom, occassional vomiting
> (about once a month or so) but my vet says that his
> glucose is at 29 (bad is 60!) so he's below normal.
> But he is actting like he always has, more fun of
> energy than my younger Zach (3)
Dear Molly:
Occasional vomiting is not a specific symptom for insulinoma.
Low blood glucoses can also be the resultof lab error - if the blood
is not quickly processed, then the red blood cells may use the
glucose for energy, and the level goes down. This continues until
the blood is processed.
If he has shown no evidence of hypoglycemia (staring, drooling,
difficulty walking, seizures, etc.), and is still full of energy, I
would strongly recommend rechecking that blood test.
With kindest regards,
Bruce H. Williams, DVM, DACVP
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