Message Number: YG3596 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Steve Austin
Date: 2001-05-15 15:39:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vaccine question for the vets

I am very sorry if I have caused any problems with my answer.
I had already pushed the send when I realized that it was
about ferrets and not about cats. I also belong to a cat
list. I readily admit that I did not know why ferrets would
receive their vaccinations there, but thank you for your
response as I now know.
Again, I am sorry if I have caused any problems.
Steph and Woolf
I am glad the question was brought up. I personally have a
vet that said the vaccine had to be given in the Right hind
leg, and since I didn't think it mattered either way, I just
shrugged it off. I never saw anyone mention that here, or any
other vets say that. So, I am glad that there was some
reasoning behind it, even if it is more for cats than ferrets.
Always nice to learn new things.
