Message Number: YG3810 | New FHL Archives Search
From: MFN
Date: 2001-05-20 18:53:00 UTC
Subject: Another Gentamician question

I've wanted to ask this question for a long time but
hate to hear the answer as well.
I had a ferret that died of possible heart/possible
kidney problems. He had injured his eye several
months before and the vet had given him a drop to
relieve pressure and a second drop containing
Gentamician. His eye healed well but not long after I
read on the FML that Gentamician should not be used
for ferrets. I have since changed vets for that and
several other reasons but I still can't help but think
that maybe that Gentamician had something to do with
his death. His new vet felt his last illness was
heart related and he was on lasix and digitalis but
the edema of his abdomen and rear legs didn't respond
and we lost him. For reasons beyond my control I
wasn't able to get a necropsy done. I am still
beating myself up that maybe the Gentamician eye drops
somehow caused his death.

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