Message Number: YG3840 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-05-20 19:14:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets?

In a message dated 5/20/01 7:11:54 AM,

> From: katharine <shurcool@i...>
>Kim, I know you're also a wildlife rehabber. In
>that situation I wouldn't even consider not
>vaccinating your ferrets for distemper when you
>could have carriers in your home.

As a rehabber, I would not consider that kind of risk to my pets' health.
However, I am moving to Florida (next week) and will no longer be working
with wildlife in my home. That carrier risk will be eliminated.

Due to Florida's rabies law, I was never considering not vaccinating for
rabies every year - that will be done.

I was wondering about whether the distemper vaccine actually needs to be
administered each year. I think Dr. Williams' answer helped me the most -
thank you.
