Message Number: YG4160 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Joy Galey
Date: 2001-05-31 14:05:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: What do I do?

I know it just seems to be taking longer with her. At first she
wouldn't even act as she was hearing us. I know she can hear cause
she hears when I get treats out or I'm getting something to eat and
comes running for some. I think she's slowly getting I'm not going
to give in and stop. But I love her and won't be giving up on her so
she better just give up and learn. lol At least I know this is
Norm wrote:
I'm going through a similar situation with a new guy of mine
about 8 mos. old. He thinks everything, no matter what is a game.

What I've been doing is yelling Ouch! everytime he bites me. He's

learning not to bite so hard and soon (I think) he'll be done with

the biting altogether.
You have to remember that they're just children and you have to
them proper behavior. Just like real children it takes longer
some than others. You trained your other 2 to your liking, you
do so again it just takes time.
Good luck,