Date: 2001-06-05 05:19:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Tennessee Panel problems
Dr. Williams wrote:
>Dear Lisa - While I understand your frustration, this has always been
>the case with the panel. Unforatunately, there is just not enough
>demand for the test to be run on an as-needed basis. Every time the
>test needs to be run, there is a minimum of three that need running -
>the patient's serum, a positive control that is known to be elevated,
>and a negative control, which should be zero.
An interesting side note - I cancelled the test on Thursday after being told
that I would be waiting until June 18th for the test to be run. My vet called
me on Saturday and told me that the results were back and Timon's test showed
elevated and so confirmed that we should do surgery. We have no idea what we
will find, but when I talked with the vet, I asked him to also look for a
possible retained testicle along with looking at the adrenal glands. We have
an unwritten policy that if the vet can't find anything out of the ordinary
with the adrenal glands, to go ahead and take the left.
>P.S. - Would you object (or your ferrets object) if we ran this image
>on the fromt page for a little while - it's quite illustrative....
Not a problem, Dr. Williams - I enclosed the picture for those that may have
never seen this type of behavior..sorry it took me this long to get back to
Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"