Message Number: YG4416 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-06-08 18:08:00 UTC
Subject: Typed version of Spike's biopsy results

>but may have to manually type in the report.

I took the liberty of doing this earlier today. Dawn and I have been
corresponding frequently because my R2's symptoms are so similiar. I
may have made typos because it was hard for my "mature" eyes to read


Spleen 3 slides

This sample is cellular and consists of a scattered lymphoid
population predominated by small mature lymphocytes. in addition,
there is a population of hematopoietic cells with multiple
megakaryocytes and cells of the arythoid cell line observed including
metarubricytes. Within the background are numerous red blood cells.

Cytologic diagnosis
extramedullary hematopciesis

Though this is a common finding in the spleen, it is not considered
normal and may suggest underlying bone marrow disease or history of a
chronic anemia

Biopsies of liver, stomarch, jejunum, and colon. Splenic aspirate also
submitted with diagnosis of EMN, reference CMAB12396243. A 1 year old
ferret with history of chronic vomiting and diarrhea. Non response to
antibiotics and deworming. lymphocyte count 84/10/01 - 4.756. Two
other ferrets have CBC's suspicious for lymphosarcoma, and another
ferret died from lymphosarcoma prior year. All tissue processed.

Slide 1
Gastric biopsy: mild, diffuse, eosinophilic and lymphocytic gastritis
Liver biopsy: mild lymphocytic and plasmacytic periportal hepatitis
with diffuse, relatively small/atrophic hepatocytes

Slide 2
Colonic biopsy: moderate, diffuse, lymphocytic, plasmacytic and
eosinophilic, chronic colitis
Jejunal biopsy: moderate to marked, lymphocytic, plasmacytic and
eosinophilic entertis

There was no suggestion of lymphoma/lymphosarcoma infiltrate within
the sections of tissue from GI tract or from the liver. There was,
however, a significant mixed inflammatory infiltrate present within
the jejunal mucosa and colonic mucosa with mild similar involvement of
the gastric mucosa. The infiltrate was mixed, however, eosinophils did
predominate in most areas. Accompanying lymphocytes and plasma cells
were also present. Although the infiltrate is not diffusely
eosinphilic, eosinophilic gastroenteritis would be the primary
differential in this case. This condition is of unknown etiology and
results in wasting in ferrets.

Young male ferrets under 14 months of
age are most commonly affected. A peripheral eosinophilia may be
present. Some cases are believed to be of parasitice origin and have
responded favorably to ivemectin thereapy. Other possible causes
include an allergic or immunologic response to food. Prednisone
therapy has resulted in remission in some instances. There was a mild
periportal inflammatory infiltrate present within the liver, possibly
representing mild arising of inflammation from the intestine.
Hepatocytes appeared relatively small, possibly atrophic. This could
reflect a poor overall nuitritional condition of this ferret.