Message Number: YG4755 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Bruce Williams, DVM
Date: 2001-06-21 23:37:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Dr. Williams, please.

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., Russell Prater <russellprater@w...>
> > Thank you, Dr. Williams. I was wondering about something I read
on your
> website about splenomegaly. You said that on autopsy splenomegaly
of no
> apparent cause was nearly always accompanied by helicobacter
mustelae. I
> was wondering if it would be a good idea to give Booger two weeks of
> Amoxi and Biaxcin and see if killing his bugs might reduce his
> Was also wondering about the need to do a needle biopsy of that

Dear Russ - A splenic aspirate may give us some valuable information -
at least let us know what is going on. Extramedullary
hematopoiesis, the cause of splenomegaly in about 95% of cases, is
commonl the result of chornci GI inflammation (coronavirus also
causes a large number of cases.)

The problem with empirically treating the spleen is that they seem to
have memory - even if you knock it down, the next time there is any
inflammation at all systemically - BOING - it's back to its enlarged
size (and maybe more) again.

I generally only recommend treating Helicobacter to diminish GI
signs - not splenic enlargement.

If you want to go after the spleen, then remove it. I have never
seen an animal suffer systemic illness as a result of splenectomy.
However, I have seen them rupture big spleens.

With kindest regards,

Bruce Williams