Message Number: YG4946 | New FHL Archives Search
From: rebecca klein
Date: 2001-06-28 11:03:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Jonesy

Oh, Sue, I'm so very sorry to hear about your
baby's illness. It's a tough call as to when you
should give up....and it's hard to tell when he's
given up. But you know him better than anyone and
it sounds as if he may have had enough. I have a
little one with adrenal tumors and I'm wrestling
with the same problem. How long do I let him go
before I help him cross over? The thought of
letting your baby get to the point of seizures is
a terrible one. Is that fair to him and what will
that do to you to watch him suffer in that way?
Love him as best as you can for now and focus on
what's best for him. I wish I had better advice
for you. There just isn't a sure answer for when
to let him go. Remember that you need to take
care of yourself in this, too. Kiss him lots and
hug him lots and tell him Mommy loves him. Then
help him when you both can't take anymore.

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