Message Number: YG5 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Christopher Bennett
Date: 2001-02-18 06:31:00 UTC
Subject: RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 0

Well, the system just generated it's first digest.. Not sure why it's going
out this time of day. I had hoped to have something of substantial content
before it went. Those of you who recieve individual email and not the
digest, and didn't mean for it to be this way, let me know and I'll fix it.
You can actually choose individual mail, digest version, or to read posts
directly on the site and not recieve email. If anyone needs help figuring
any of this out, drop me an email christopher@b...

As each of you joined today I did a weasel war dance right in the middle of
the livingroom. All three of my fuzzy kids think I'm nuts now. Well they
always thought I was nuts, this just confirmed it. I awoke to a membership
of 10 and watched it double. When Chris joined from the UK I did a double
dance because we were international. I'm so happy to have each and every one
of you. As you post realize there is 6'6" of dancing dude chanting, "someone
just posted, someone just posted"

The list is now 24 hours old. I'll keep these posts about how the system is
functioning to a bare minimum.

tickletacklehugglepounce to each and everyone of you
Christopher & crew