Mike Janke
Date: 2001-07-04 15:47:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Possible Blockage
Yes, you should be concerned, but probably not frantic at this
point. There is no chance the rubber broke down and was digested if
he did eat it. Keep a real close eye on Gussie for any changes.
Particularly vomiting. If you see that, I would get him to the vet
Ferrets often eat things that are too big to move out of the stomach
into the small intestine and these things may only cause a
intermittent or partial blockage. My first ferret Sidney had two
rubber disks in his stomach that were found quite by accident during
spleen surgery. We have no idea how long they were in there. He
never exhibited any signs of a blockage.
--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Amy and Jim Robbin" <amyjimr@m...>
> Hi Folks. Gussie will eat just about anything that doesn't run.
Anyway my husband is doing some work on the floors and left a pair of
knee pads in the ferret room. It looks like Gussie may have eaten a
good part (about an inch or two) of the rubber straps.
> I've been keeping an eye on him, giving him extra petromalt and
nothing has passed. He is eating, pooping and behaving like his
usually crazy self...should I be concerned? Is it possible that the
rubber actually broke down and digested?
> Amy