Message Number: YG5232 | New FHL Archives Search
From: ahinton
Date: 2001-07-05 23:53:00 UTC
Subject: Growth on face

My 5 year old male has a growth on the side of his face (near
where the whiskers grow out). Over the last few weeks it was
a small, round pink bump. It has grown somewhat and is now
about the size of 1/3 of a pencil eraser. It has also changed
color from pinkish to dark red/rust color.

The vet who looked at him about a week ago (before it changed
color) didn't seem that concerned given the fact he was having
bigger problems like possible stomach ulcers and weight loss.
Those other symptoms have improved and he's gaining weight,
but this bump thing hasn't gone away.

He has had mast cell tumors in the past, on his back mainly,
which got red and sometimes bled, then fell off. He's never
needed any surgery.

Are most growths on the body benign? Can I expect that this
will just go away with time?
The good news is, it doesn't seem to bother him, he doesn't
scratch at it, and he doesn't react if I touch his face. I
don't think it hurts him at all.

Does anyone have any idea as to what this is?

I appreciate the feedback!