Message Number: YG5404 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-11 22:22:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Osteosarcoma info needed

Thank you so much for your response. We'll get the biopsy set up for
either Friday or Monday. I'd truly appreciate your evaluation and my
vet will send the x-rays on to you.

I hope you and the other vets here know how much you're appreciated!


> Dear Jackie: The symptoms and radiographic signs that you
> unfortunately, are much more likley to be a bone tumor rather than
> infection. While osteosarcoma is a possibility, a much more likely
> possibility is a chordoma. Not all chordomas arise at the tip of
> tail - they can pop up anywhere on the spinal column. The bad news
> is that these are extremely aggressive lesions which over time will
> invade and destroy the vertebra. With either a chordoma or an
> osteosarcoma in this area with this radiographic presentation,
> surgical excision is at this point only a stopgap measur and full
> excision is not possible.
> Clinical signs will probably continue to increase and movement will
> continue to degrade. Most animals are euthanized prior to
> fracture of the vertebra, but it is always a possibility.
> While waiting for several weeks to see if it is osteomyelitis is
> way to go, a biopsy now would answer all of your questions. If it
> truely an infection, it could also be used for a culture and
> sensitivity, or at least you would know that long-term high-dose
> antibiotics are required.
> If you decide to do a biopsy, I would be happy to evaluate it for
> you. If this is acceptable, I would also appreciate the ability to
> look at the radiograph, or at least a good digital representation
> it.
> With kindest regards,
> Bruce Williams, DVM