Message Number: YG5441 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-13 03:22:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ADV Surgery

In a message dated 7/12/01 9:12:46 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
shurcool@i... writes:

<< I have never heard this before! Is this true?
Swollen vulva = right adrenal??? Very
interesting. I would love to hear more. >>

I can't say that I have seen that. I just had another adrenal surgery -
coincidentally, on a female ferret. Kaya is 6 years old and her only signs
were the distinctive hairloss around the tail. She was a rightie - and by my
vets' account, a very difficult one. The last couple before her were all boys
- Timon and Tigger.

BTW, for those following Timon's story - he is still displaying that mating
behavior. Thankfully for Pumba, not as much, but Timon still bites, covers
and well...humps. We have found by placing bitter apple on the back of
Pumba's neck, it does discourage Timon.

Lisa Leidig, Head Ferret
The Ferret Haven "By-the-Sea"