Message Number: YG5492 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-14 11:50:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ADV Surgery

Hi FURTulsa,
You asked several good questions about doing
surgery on an ADV positive ferret. The answer for
the most of them is we do not for sure. I am a little
confused by some of the responses to this question.
Did this ferret have a prior adrenal surgery ( thus we
know it is a righty) or did someone just guess that it
is a righty based on the signs? As Danee pointed out
there are some extra risks with doing surgery on an ADV
ferret because they may have liver, kidney, and clotting
problems. In addition the stress of the surgery may make
the AD worse, and they may be more prone to post
surgery infections. If she is 6 or 7 years old then Lupron
would be my choice for her adrenal gland treatment.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM
PS for more AD info, your vet can read the article in the
February 2001 issue of Compendium.