Message Number: YG5522 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-15 12:14:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ADV Surgery in Tulsa

Hi Susan,
Since Jojo is still young (3-4 years) then surgery would
be a good option. Since ADV may make the surgery a
higher risk then Lupron would be a good option.
Both are good choices, and it is up to you and your vet to
make that tough decision. If it was my ferret, I would do
adrenal surgery and use pediapred for 5-7 days after the
surgery and an antibiotic (amoxi drops, or clavamox drops,
or cefa drops, or Baytril) for 14 days after the surgery.
Hope that helps,
Jerry Murray, DVM