Message Number: YG5565 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-16 14:08:00 UTC
Subject: Re: lost energy

Not neccesarily ferret related, but I've had problems with cat who is
allergic to some stuff, and a treatment for a skin allergy using
cortazone caused her to sleep almost three days straight and she
remained lethargic and sleepy for about 3 weeks. She recovered,
eventually, and returned to her normal self, but it took a worryingly
long time. I hope Roman gets feels better soon.

Hope that was something....

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., "Gwen" <gmavery@h...> wrote:
> I am concerned about my male!(Roman) I am not one for vaccinations
and really wasn't wanting to give them but I did! I decided to
because I had to rush my baby to the hospital one day it turned out
to be bad food thank God! I learnt a lesson that day! Check my food!
New Ferret owner! Anyways he spent the night getting fluids and came
home happy the next day! Then I brought him and his Sister in for
vaccinations his sister(Snow) seems fine in fact she has taken over
his role! He seems depressed He had an allergic reaction to the
vaccine and I had to rush him back to the vets for a shot of
Benadryl! He is a little playful but not like he was! He will walk a
ways and then just lay down! Snow will jump on him and attack him and
he will play with her but as soon as she leaves him alone he will
walk around he's just not his jumpy attackingly silly guy and I don't
know if there is anything I can do for him? Any suggestions?
> Thanks Gwen