Message Number: YG5661 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Brett Paden
Date: 2001-07-20 17:05:00 UTC
Subject: Frequent vomitting; getting worse

I own a five year old neutered male ferret. He underwent successful
adrenal surgery in November through Dr. Kimmerer, but has regurgitated
at least once a week ever week since the surgery.

The vomitting is becoming more frequent and more severe, with digested
food, froth and mucus.

We see a vet at least once a month (usually more) to keep track of his
status (We see thee vets to get a better picture of his health, since
each has a different theory). He current gets DOHP shots once a month,
takes .25 ml PediaPred/day, and also takes 1/2 pill Florinef
twice/day. He blood sugar is usually somtimes a little low (80-90),
but can be higher. His weight fluctuates wildly.

Any ideas on what is wrong?

Brett Paden