Date: 2001-07-27 18:28:00 UTC
My little Shiela who was 6 1/2 years old died Sunday the 22nd.
Her regular vet said it way phenomia and after a night in the oxyen
cage was fine. She would go from place to place acting like she was
going to throw up the after a while she would just lie on her side
acted like she was gasping for air. This was on the 13th on July.
Then on Sat. the 21st, she did the same thing, well the on-call vet,
who doesn't have an oxygen cage said it was lung cancer because she
was blowing bubbles out her nose with a little blood in some of the
bubbles, and frothing at the mouth. So he said it was best to put
to sleep, so I did.
I did not know ferrets got lung cancer. How do they get it? Are my
other two (her son and daughter)in risk? They do sneeze and cough,
but I have an appt. at the vet's on mon. morn.
I would like an autopsy, but cannot afford it and the universities in
Oregon, Vet. Pathology won't do it for free. So I guess I'll never
know for sure.
Could you please do an article on this sublect in the Modern Ferret
Magazine? Everyone should be aware of this fatal diease and what to
look for.
Thank you,Carol Owens