Message Number: YG5899 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-29 10:33:00 UTC
Subject: update on deathly ill ferret

First of all, thanks to everyone for writing back. The info was
helpful. We now have Emmett home and are treating with fluids
subcutaneously and for ulcers. We were given Carafate tablets and he
was injected with Baytril (for periontitis?). We were also given
Amoxicillin. Basically, we followed the protocol on Dr. Williams site
for gastric ulcers. She did not do bloodwork because his stomach or
intestines are not sore to the touch.

In what order should we give the meds and how can we get him to keep
the Carafete down? We began with that mixed with water and he began
having dry heaves. We are also going to begin feeding him a baby
food mixture (again according to Dr. Williams site).

Any suggestions will be helpful.