Message Number: YG5957 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-07-30 17:46:00 UTC
Subject: Update on Ferret X - Lung removal

Hi everyone. I just got word from my friend, and "Ferret X"
survived his
surgery. Here is what my friend wrote:

"Ferret X" made it through the surgery and my vet removed not
a lung lobe but
an encapsulated mass that was attached to the lining of the
heart. She
thinks she got it all.

I just got back from seeing him. Oh, the poor little guy.
His surgery was
over at about 2:00 and they called me at 2:30 or so and said I
could come
down at 4:00 so I heated up his favorite food and brought him

He's pretty sedated to deal with the pain but still licked
some duck soup
from my fingers to the delight of the vet.

I will head back again about 7:00 or 7:30 tonight to see if I
can get him to
eat some more.

I will keep you posted on any further significant updates. Of
course, the
mass will be examined to determine what it was, and when that
is known, I
will post it out.
