Message Number: YG6 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Christopher Bennett
Date: 2001-02-18 06:40:00 UTC
Subject: Laxatone Nightmares

I give up!!! To those of you who don't know me, I have the three best
fuzzies God ever made.

Angel - "Hey, what's a litter pan?"
Café - "Don't look at me, Angel did it!"
Chase - "There is no way you will ever get laxatone down me!!!"

We have tried coating it in olive oil. We have tried coating it in
ferretone. We have tried scruffing him to which he claws at his mouth and
runs across the room scooting on the side of his face. If I get it in him,
he gets it out. Angel will eat it, but doesn't seem to get a thrill out of
it. Café will actually barter toys to get the others doses.. loves the
stuff! And Chase won't touch it. I understand this clawing at the mouth is a
nausea reaction. If it's making him do that I don't have the heart to force
the issue any furthur.

Is it really necessary? Can I call off the laxatone war? Would love to hear
of other nightmares from ferrets who will not tolerate it. I don't think it
tastes so bad. Is there an alternative to laxatone I could try?

Christopher & Crew