Message Number: YG6138 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Linda Proulx
Date: 2001-08-06 03:57:00 UTC
Subject: Disseminated intravascular coagulation(Desperate)

I have a question for the vets or ANYONE who knows the answer
to this question. I recently had a ferret (Popcorn) go in for
adrenal surgery. It turned out to be a bilateral. He came
through the surgery just fine and was doing just fine until
about 7:00am the next morning. They were doing rounds and
noticed he had some bruising. They started giving him an
anticoagulant(sp?) at this time. He was closely watched with
more anticoagulants. About 10:00 He went into a coma. At
10:10 am he passed away. Here is the question I am
desperately seeking an answer to. Is there a test that you
can do prior to surgery to test for this. It only happens in
1 in 10,000 people and far less common in ferrets. It is too
common for me. I currently have two females awaiting adrenal
surgery and am starting to wonder if I should get the surgery
done or not. This is my first loss with an adrenal surgery
though I have only had three with it so far. Please if
ANYBODY has any comments or suggestions or anything at all for
that matter please HELP ME. I am completely clueless about
this and need answers.

Linda and the furry ones
The Dook-N-Dance Ferret Shelter
110 Harbord Drive
Midway Park, NC