Message Number: YG6263 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-08-10 10:23:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Sneezing

Don't forget to take samples of their poop into the vet with you so
he can see for himself and test it. Mine 2 have those symtoms. One
has the poop problem the other the sneezing (but not a lot). My guys
are on Anti-biotics right now along with a live bacteria (like yogurt
for ferrets) to replace the good bacteria. My old vet didn't have the
right medication for ferrets. I had to go to the pharmacy to have it
special made which wasted time not always available immediately when
you need it( like on a Saturday). I now go to a exotics specialist. I
would also ask what type of emergency plan they have for after hours
and weekends. I just lost mine to this problem. I couldn't find
anyone to help me. The local Emergency Clinic doesn't really handle
ferrets. I now ask and make sure that they will come in and handle a
emergency themselves. Kristine