Message Number: YG63 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-02-20 17:23:00 UTC
Subject: Chordoma

Hi everyone,

I have responded to another post already but I guess I should
introduce myself anyway.

I am Meighan and I am owned by two fuzzies Xena and Zora twelve month
old girls. We are in Kingsville Ontario Canada.

Now my question: Has anyone experienced Chordoma in their ferrets?
Xena has a lump growing on the end of her tail, I am almost certain
it is a chordoma. What else could it be really? I only noticed it
awhile ago and I have not had the vet look at it yet due to serious
financial trouble. (We were both unemployed for a long stretch and
now one of us is working so we are slowly coming back but very
slowly). My question I guess is how long can I wait? We literally
have no money but if I have to I will ask the vet to let me make
payments but I don't know if he will. Is it something that can wait
another month? We should be okay by then. It is a small growth, non
painful and only on the tip. Otherwise she is normal and healthy.
