Message Number: YG6332 | New FHL Archives Search
From: team-machine
Date: 2001-08-12 20:04:00 UTC
Subject: [Ferret-Health-list] Complications due to bad

I would definantly look into the teeth cleaning. It's that's
1 ounce of prevention that is worth doing. Bad teeth can lead
to secondary problems like heart and kidney disease. Dentals
are fairly inexpensive too. Ask your vet if they have a dental
special month? KM

Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 6:52 PM

I've read a couple of responses the the "Upper canine
problem" post and I must say - I was unaware that tooth
problems could cause so many complications. Is it common
for a bad tooth to cause a temperature? What other
complications could result from build-up on teeth? I'm
curious because I have a 3yr old, and two that are 5yrs old.
I've never had their teeth cleaned. Is this something I
should look into?

One of my little girls, at about 4yrs old exibited what I
compare to a human cringing when she would try to eat or
even drink. She would cock her head sideways, squint her
eyes and grind her teeth, she'd be kind of frozen for a few
seconds. This even happened when she'd try to drink water.
Thinking it was her teeth, I tried warming some water with
kibble and she loved it. She still had trouble if she tried
to chew. I took her to the vet and he felt there was some
build-up on the teeth, but not enough to cause problems.
Then he noticed quite a bit of build-up in her ears. Well,
her ears turned out to be the culprit - a bad case of mites
and possible ear infection. Once treated, she was back to
normal. But now I'm wondering about those teeth.

FYI - The warm water&kibble is now an expected treat :o)

Thanks for any input.

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