Message Number: YG6351 | New FHL Archives Search
From: katharine
Date: 2001-08-14 05:26:00 UTC
Subject: We're Clean!

This is to announce that Miss Lany, Mr. Cedes, Mr,
Dillon, Mr. Chester, and Miss Emma have all tested
negative for ADV!!! The Long household is clean.
Mr. Nureyev (who belongs to a friend) also joined
us at our testing party and is clean too. I have
four spare test kits to tuck away for rescues.

Seriously, if anyone is hesitant to try testing at
home, I found it to be much easier than I thought
it would be. Being a very anal person, I worried
to death about doing the tests. But, they (the
ferrets) were all cooperative, for the most part,
and it went well. Of course, I'm assuming I did
the test correctly. I followed instructions to
the letter but there is always that lingering
