Message Number: YG6384 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-08-15 09:25:00 UTC
Subject: Subject: Re: Mikayla - kidney problems?


I have given my ferrets IV fluid b4. I live alone so no one is helping
me. I was scared at first cuz I didn't want to hurt one of my ferrets. The
nurse at the vets showed it to me and it didn't look like it was that easy.
Since I know my ferrets, I got a small paperplate and put a dab of ferretvite
all around the plate, but leave little space between the dabs of ferretvite.
Make sure that you have everything ready. I hang the IV on a coat hanger to
my lamp ceiling and a towel on the table. Then I get my one of my ferrets and
let him know about the ferretvite. Once he starts to lick the ferretvite then
I put the needle in and he doesn't even know. Never jumped when I put the
needle in. It was a piece of cake. Make sure that he or she doesn't lick all
so fast if you are not done giving the IV. I also put the tube of ferretvite
and just let him lick from the tube but don't squeeze the tube. Kinda like
cleaning the tube clean. Good luck and hope this helps.

and the Crazy Crew