Message Number: YG6632 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-08-25 13:12:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Hair Loss and black speckles on Tail?!

I obviously confused some of you with the California Stretch Rats ...
I've come up with a few other strange ones, Caffinated Elongated
Peruvian Hyper Rats ... um ... can't remember most of them, but lots
of silly names.

Russel has it right. There are no ferrets in California. Nope nope
nope. None exist. Really. They don't. HONEST!! What? You don't
believe me?! ;>

Thanks all of you for the advice. My wife and I are happy to hear
that it is unlikely anything is "wrong" in the danger/expensive side
of the meaning.

We'll try cleaning the little ferts tail off and hopefully that will
work. Might also explain why the fur is yellowish on the tail as well.

Thanks again!!!