Message Number: YG6737 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Russell Prater
Date: 2001-08-28 17:32:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ADV

Furtulsa wrote:

> The look on her face and my instincts tell me it is time to let her go in peace. And yet, it is hard for me to say that because the poor
> girl has had such a miserable life.... I so wanted her to know a loving home.
> I guess I need some reassurance that it IS time to say goodbye and the right thing to do.

You are the one who sees her everyday. If you don't think it's fair to
make her hang around, by all means, give her peace. It's the last nice
thing you can do for her.

Russ, Booger, Bonnie & Clyde

URA Redneck if your diploma includes the words "Trucking Institute"