Message Number: YG6818 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-08-31 08:49:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Ferret Distemper Vaccine

I have had 4 ferrets and three of them have had reactions - all
different. We try benadryl prior to the shot, but that doesn't seem to
work all the time (in fact one of them continues to have a reaction,
albeit much less severe, for up to 12 hours - we have to continually
give him pediatric benadryl or he starts wheezing again).

I sure wish there was something else out there (rabies doesn't seem to
have the same reactions) that we could give them. I am tempted not to
give them there shots at all, but then you never know and we have a lot
of dogs in the neighborhood.

--- In Ferret-Health-list@y..., wrote:
> We have ten fuzzies. Of the ten, three have had anaphylactic shock
> reaction to the ferret distemper vaccine Fervac. So hard to watch.
> It makes me wonder if others have had a similar problem? Anyone?