Message Number: YG6848 | New FHL Archives Search
Date: 2001-08-31 18:10:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Ferret Distemper Vaccine

Over the past few years, I have suffered the same nasty outcome from
distemper vaccines. My two-pound Lady Truffles (from a breeder) had a severe
reaction 24 hours afterwards, even with the pre-medication of Benadryl.
Luckily, I did not lose her, thanks to the hard work of my vet and her
husband. Since my five ferrets are indoors and I have no other pets, I have
decided against vaccinations completely.

Late last year, my vet participated in the clinical trials for the Merial
vaccine. At this time, she had vaccinated over 90 known reactors with NO
reactions and no pre-medication. I was worried but brought my ferrets to
participate in the study. Mufasa, a known reactor in the past, reacted
SEVERELY within ten minutes of the vaccination. I was told not to
pre-medicate them. When I picked him up and brought him home he was unable
to use his hind legs. For a week he stayed with my vet for IV medication.
Today, he is walking, but one foot has a limp.

The reason why I wanted to share my experience is to advise everyone to take
the necessary precautions by pre-medicating your ferret, regardless of what
the manufacturer recommends. I would hate for anyone to go through what I
went through.