Message Number: YG6879 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Amber
Date: 2001-09-01 16:31:00 UTC
Subject: Re: Adrenal problem?

>We can't afford the $150 ultrasound never
> mind the $450-$500 surgery and have found no options, Can anyone
>offer advice?

I totally understand your financial situation. I barely get by living
paycheck to paycheck. About a year ago my oldest ferret developed
adrenal disease. I was told she needed surgery and I didnt hesitate
one bit to get that done. I scheduled the surgery to be done that
same week. It took every cent I had...but was definately worth it.
She was 6yrs old when she had surgery (7yrs now) and she's as happy
and healthy as ever.

I'm not sure where you live...but those prices you quote seem a bit
high. I'm in Nashville, TN and have found a wonderful vet!! Here's a
run down of the charges for the surgery....

Histopathology to Kord w/ lab fee $41
Ultrasound $25
Adrenalectomy $140
Inhalation Anesthesia $74.25
Prednisone 5mg $7.25
Prednisone SQ Injection $11.85

The total bil for the Ultrasound, surgery, and ALL meds was $299.35
If you're anywhere near me, I'd be happy to pass along the vet's name
and # for you (or anyone else that's interested). I wouldnt trust my
lil fuzzbutts to anyone else around here!!

I hope this helps!

Amber, Nilla, Ferris, and Rikki