Message Number: YG710 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Megan Mohrbacher
Date: 2001-03-05 05:12:00 UTC
Subject: Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Boo Boo on Sid's Pee Pee and
Ellie's adrenal

Kelly, I was going to post the same concern today. One of my boys has the same problem. His penis is really red and just looks a bit different than my other 2 boys. I just had them at the vet and he either did not notice it or he didn't think there was anything wrong. I did not notice until after I got home from the vet. I hope it is not anything serious.


>>> kfor651676@a... 03/04/01 01:01PM >>>
I was concerned about Sid, my three year old males penis. It was very red
the other day for a few days? Now it seems fine? I was feeling his lower
abdomen and I felt a long thin hard line from his penis down. Is this his
urethra? I have know idea if it is normal. We have an appointment tomorrow.
My vet tends to give amoxi for all ailments and I hate to give meds if they
are not really needed. We have decided to give our little Ellie Lupron as
soon as we can get some to treat her swollen vulva. It just seems to soon to
do another surgery. It really bothers me that her symptoms are so different.
She weights 2lbs 7oz now. Her hair has re-grown, but did before the
surgery. It is not completely back over the incision area. She is active
enough and has no appetite. Her only symptom seems to be a swollen vulva.
Has anyone experienced any negative side affects from the 4 month Lupron
injection? Is there a chance she might not really need it and if I give it
too her it could cause more of a problem. The Tenn. Panel is not really an
option. Our local vet does not even really draw blood. We could go to our
surgeon but I understand it is not really 100% reliable?
Thanks, Kelly
Oh I loved Dr. William's quote "Don't be a stoolgazer" I have this illness
and need help! I check each and every poop! It is a sickness!!!!!!!!!!